Social media creates trends in posting and sharing our thoughts and feelings about everything from political issues that are far reaching to the smallest social issue so personal that without the prompting most of us would never address.
For several years it was the IN thing to do Thankfulness posts for the entire month of November. I played along. After a year or two I felt like I was repeating myself year after year. Now with Timehop on my Smartphone it became abundantly obvious that was certainly the case. As I met other bloggers, I tried to take it a step further. I added a Thankful Thursday post to my blog. Last year, I really went nuts and attempted to blog for 30 days about something I was thankful for. As if that was easier than a sentimental Facebook status update.
This year I decided I wasn't going to participate. Not that I am not Thankful for the many blessings in my life, but I wanted to remind myself and others, thankfulness isn't a season, it's a lifestyle.
With all of that being said, I am going to attempt to try my own version of being Thankful, sharing a little about myself and what's special to me. At the bottom of this post is an ornament. There's a picture of my family. This represents many of the things I am most thankful for.
-A hard working husband.
-4 happy healthy kids.
-A beautiful farm to raise them on.
-An awesome childhood friend who took the picture.
-A magazine article that allowed us to share our life with its readers.
-A beautiful Christmas ornament that at a glance reminds me of love, friendship and blessed life on our farm.
Advent started at church this past Sunday with the lighting of the first candle and this morning with the first door opened on Seths calendar. And lastly as a blogger my sharing of a quick story about us. Will I accomplish blogging everyday of Advent? Maybe? I pray that this personal challenge accomplishes my goal of slowing down in the hectic holiday season, taking time to be thankful and savoring the moments.
May your entire Advent and Christmas Holiday be Merry and Blessed,
Hope to see you back tomorrow,
From Tulip~