Hello folks~
I really didn't fall off the face of the earth, looks like since I last blogged its been 10 months!!! OMG!!! Wow............. well to catch up, lets see, we finally finished our house. We had a great big party last summer to celebrate (the house and me turning 40!) We got busy and back at life, 4 kids in 4 different school buildings, me subbing, here and there and everywhere. The boys combined for three football games a week last fall. I have gotten back to sewing (see the pictures!) I have been sewing for gifts, sewing custom orders, and just sewing some for us. I feel kinda rusty at blogging, duh, I haven't done it in a while.
Let's see what's currently going on with us? Kids have a dozen calves in the barn in preparation for another summer of showing. (I wasn't kidding, actually there might be a bakers dozen!) We just were out there combing, brushing, walking some of them. So far unfortunately they know David better than the kids, but we are working on it. I am about to begin a sewing series. Teaching 6 different beginner/quick quilts over the next several months. Plus I have about 3 or 4 sewing jobs (quilts) for others in the works. PLanning to use several of the samples from the series as Christmas gifts, so I guess I have already begun my Christmas sewing in MARCH! WOW!
Well, gonna cut this one short, busy day, mostly just wanted to share some pictures and see if I remembered 'how' to blog.........hopefully the next post will be sooner!
Enjoying the beautiful Spring day,
From Tulip~