Our life with four kids is rarely dull. As one would imagine. Oh some weeks we might have just a few extra-curricular school activities and maybe a church event. But those are once in a blue moon kind of weeks. This last week wasn't one of those weeks, nor will the following weeks be. Until school gets out, we have LOTS going on.
This last week has been busy. Monday David returned from a trip to Texas for his Uncle Wayne's funeral. We will miss him so much, but know that his hurt is gone for him. Monday was the Reading Assembly at Chance Elementary. Jenna received her 1000 minute reading award. As a first grader, alot of those minutes are still ones read by mom, but she probably read 1/3 to 1/2 of the minutes herself. Tuesday was kind of quiet. Wednesday was filled with 'restocking' supplies. Buying groceries and household items for this household, is a fair size job as well. Thursday was spent going to the dentist. David, Jenna and Seth all went. Also Sam's class had a field trip to the zoo, which meant a trip back into town later to pick him up. Friday was very eventful. It was the last day of Preschool which meant the picnic. Since we've had so much rain and he wasn't super busy, David went along. I think he was glad he went. He visited with some of the other dads. It was to be our last Preschool Picnic, kinda bittersweet. Last night was the FFA banquet. I am such a baby. Why do I cry at that stuff? Cody got medals and awards and yeah sure that was cool, but seriously, tears? Geesh, anyway we are very proud of his accomplishments. Got a pin for Knowledge Team, got a medal for Diversified Farm Operation. And the highlight of the night for us, he was awarded the Star Greenhand Award. This is the highest award a chapter can bestow upon a Freshman. Yes we are VERY proud.
The coming week holds many more memory making moments and probably be many more tears for me. Some of the coming things are.
Tomorrow is Seth's preschool program and graduation. Monday night is Sam's Fine Arts night. Let me throw in here that Sam is blowing me away lately with his improvement playing the trumpet! WOW! Sounds great!!!! Tuesday night is 'Kindergarten Here We Come' this is the finale in all the preparations that our local Parents as Teachers program puts on for the children coming into Kindergarten this fall. We will tour the school, ride a school bus and do all those last minute preparations to get Seth signed up for school. Wednesday being the first Wednesday of the month, means 4H for our household. Even that meeting is over the top, there will be a foods project meeting beforehand, Clover Kids also beforehand, Show Me Quailty Assurance qualification class AND movie night, maybe we will get our business meeting squeezed in somewhere. Thursday so far is open. Friday is 5th Grade Civil War Day. Sam fit into the Civil War Officer Jacket that I made Cody 4 years ago and is on the same side again, so that was helpful!
As you can see like I said at the top life with four kids is rarely dull, but it also means being blessed four times over and for that it is all more than worth it! Love you, Cody, Sam, Jenna and Seth.
Listening to the birds sing outside my office window,
From Tulip~