In an effort to save money this year and actually have something under the tree for the kids, I made them alot of things. One of those things was a 'closet' or 'wardrobe' for Jenna's doll clothes. I had looked at them all over and they ranged from $40 to $140 a piece. Now mine isn't made of wood, but with a box, some leftover fabric from Jenna's 'closet doors' (aka curtains) and some scraps of trim and a few (wo)man hours and a little help from Cody and David, Jenna has a really cute place to store her doll clothes. I used a box that I had. Cut my fabric to size and ironed on some 'wonder under' then literally ironed the fabric to the box, it worked just great. I covered the edges with some trim, used a little fabric glue/fray check along the edges. David cut a dowel rod (the only thing we had to buy for this project) to the right length and screwed it in place. The inside was lined with clip art and and things that Cody found and downloaded then printed off from the computer, they were lightly glued in place and then we covered the whole inside with clear contact paper that I had. (fyi-- we reinforced the interior of the box so it is all double layered cardboard, actaully VERY STURDY!) The knobs on the front and the handle on the top David found in the bottom of 'my' tool box, from some time when I had updated some cabinet doors, I think from back when we lived in the trailer.
The hangers were another invention, even the little doll clothes hangers were plenty high priced, I thought. So with a spool of floral wire that I had on hand I made several hangers. I was worried about the ends, so I covered the whole hanger in ribbon (that I also had on hand) They look very cute. Jenna just loves the closet, and we have her doll clothes hanging inside and she found a little 'mini' basket that fits in the bottom and its holding the doll shoes. I wonder where she gets her 'inventive-ness' hmmmm Anyway, wanted to share a picture, as I have told several about this project and I wanted to share a little about the finished project.
From Tulip~