I have to admit that I have a new addiction, Facebook, which has seemed to 'eat up' alot of my internet time as of late. But besides being other places onthe web, we are just plain BUSY lately. The boys are in the middle of wrestling season and having great seasons!! I think Sam has only lost 2 or 3 times! Most of his wins are by pin! And Cody is winning some matches and accumulating some pins himself! Plus I have tried to take a more active role in the county 4H committees this year, so there have been several meetings to attend. Okay enough with the excuses.
What's all going on lately that good great and fun??? I have been sewing alot lately. Recently made the kids' Valentines' gifts. Jenna and Seth got coloring book totes with pockets for markers that you see in the picture. I also made the boys drawstring mesh bags for some of their wrestling stuff. (Wasn't as lucky to get them to pose for a picture)
Last week, David, Cody, Sam and Bob went with some friends to the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville KY. They saw all sorts of stuff and enjoyed tractor pulls both nights that they were there. While they were gone as a last minute sort of thing, I ended up taking several orders for Valentines goodies (30 dozen dipped strawberries) That was a nice shot in the arm of the ol' checkbook! :)
Cody's gifted class at school, Nexus, is getting ready to compete in their favorite acadmeic competition, Destination Imagination. (google it if you are interested, I don't remember the website) So they are putting in lots of hours during and after school getting ready. The local competition is in Jefferson City, this Saturday. If they place high enough they go to a regional competition in Joplin, MO........if they place there they can go to Knoxville TN like they did two years ago.
The boys are likely to have a busy summer, there is a barn full of show calves. Which they are already working with, and that makes me happy, I am glad that they are learning that an extra effort will pay off in the long run. (also since there are so many, I may have to lead one, so I am liking that they are getting them tamed down! ;)
We are looking forward to more than cattle shows this summer. In June the boys will go to 4H camp and my Dad's side of the family are all gathering at my Aunt's home in Arkansas, some of them I haven't seen since we got together in Oklahoma four years ago!!! I absolutely can't wait!!!! In July is my 20th HS class reunion, we are making great progress in finding classmates, only a few are giving us a good hunt! Hopefully we will find them all!!! And they will ALL get to attend! (well looks like the picture uploaded and I really need to go to bed!)
From Tulip~