Since pictures uploading seems to be a challenge, I am going to hope that the ones I am currently trying upload happen........ I will randomly describe them as goodness knows that however I tried to upload them, chances are they will be in no particular order......
Seth and Jenna were 2 of about 10 open bottle calf class exhibitors, this is a great class to watch and the judge really made it great. It's so cool that the kids who aren't even old enough to show want to and do, but the judge took his microphone out to the arena and asked the questions and we heard their responses! TOO CUTE!!! Now Seth isn't quite as gungho as Jenna and still needs Sam to help him, but he's getting there. Jenna of course is a 'pro' and was mad at her daddy for not letting her pull the legs, which is cattle show slang for 'fitting/grooming' her calf....... She's a mess. Her black eye that she received earlier in the week was about gone. (Story: she fell, sppoked the calf who kicked, you get the picture, no broken bones or eye injuries! Thankfully!!!)
The boys did great with their heifers and steers. Sam's heifer won her class over some older, bigger entries, but the judge liked how his was built! That's cool! Cody's heifer was competing against a high dollar heifer (too long of a story for this blog) so she placed right where she should have in the class. Sam's Angus Steer was in the middle of his class, might have placed higher if the judge hadn't had to watch him run around the ring, remember his name is 'Play' and for good reason. Their crosbred steers won their classes and came in right below two REALLY HIGH DOLLAR steers, so for what we paid, they did GREAT!!! It was a good night. Looking forward to this weekend and showing at Audrain County.
From Tulip~
Seth and Jenna were 2 of about 10 open bottle calf class exhibitors, this is a great class to watch and the judge really made it great. It's so cool that the kids who aren't even old enough to show want to and do, but the judge took his microphone out to the arena and asked the questions and we heard their responses! TOO CUTE!!! Now Seth isn't quite as gungho as Jenna and still needs Sam to help him, but he's getting there. Jenna of course is a 'pro' and was mad at her daddy for not letting her pull the legs, which is cattle show slang for 'fitting/grooming' her calf....... She's a mess. Her black eye that she received earlier in the week was about gone. (Story: she fell, sppoked the calf who kicked, you get the picture, no broken bones or eye injuries! Thankfully!!!)
The boys did great with their heifers and steers. Sam's heifer won her class over some older, bigger entries, but the judge liked how his was built! That's cool! Cody's heifer was competing against a high dollar heifer (too long of a story for this blog) so she placed right where she should have in the class. Sam's Angus Steer was in the middle of his class, might have placed higher if the judge hadn't had to watch him run around the ring, remember his name is 'Play' and for good reason. Their crosbred steers won their classes and came in right below two REALLY HIGH DOLLAR steers, so for what we paid, they did GREAT!!! It was a good night. Looking forward to this weekend and showing at Audrain County.
From Tulip~
PS--almost a hour later, only one pic uploaded, sorry, maybe I will have better luck later. :)