Jenna our resident princess decided to be Cinderella this year for Halloween. So I got to further my skills at dress making. I actually can proudly say that this costume actually has a zipper in it, something I haven't done since I had to in Home Ec class over 20 years ago. I wouldn't have gotten an A on this project or a blue ribbon at the fair, but it's done, in fact already been wore and laundered and in the dress up box now. You'll notice (or maybe you can't see them, the picture is uploading while I am typing) she's sorting 'glass slippers' (jelly shoes, with glitter!) and of course she topped it off with a crown, since she's only got about 8! we of course needed a NEW Cinderella crown.
From Tulip~
PS-hoping my luck holds, have been having trouble getting pictures on here lately!