Today our little farm girl is 12 years old. Following along with social media, I am going to attempt to do thankfulness blog post for the next 30 days, or the month of November. I always start this tradition being thankful for this little gal. Her birthday is today. Jenna Claire, this one is for you, Sass-a-fras!
Look at what a little pip-squeak she was. That fuzz on top always reminded me of a baby duckling. She was such a happy baby, a smile for everyone. |
Taken about one month before she became a big sister. This was a cat given to her by our neighbors, Danny and Sheryl. She loved Saturn with a fierce-ness that gives me no doubt what a great momma she will be someday. |
JH and her Seffy. There are moments when I question their friendship, but one look at this picture and I am reminded, they've been BFF's since the beginning. |
Jumping ahead (I thought I had these sorted chronologically, hmm) This past summer, she didn't let an injury slow her down. Our little cattle whisperer pushed through and continued to do what she loves. Her determination is astonishing. |
One of the many summer loves. This bottle calf, Rose was probably more groomed than any other animal on the farm combined. She regularly had on more hair product than most high paid models. So glad that the Nelsons knew we were looking and hooked us with this project. |
Mater, the steer, he was the first of many she will likely have over the year. First year 4H-er and she had two projects. Probably would have had more and I am sure there will be a year where she shows a whole string, I have no doubt she can do it! |
Lucky, her first heifer. This cow is still a fixture on our farm, although her daddy says some day her luck will run out. She was a great first year project, and then spent the second year following the kids around as they led calves. She could sometimes be found standing in the grooming chute if a gate got left open in the barn. |
Sitting by Grandpa Bob the night he won the FFA Hall of Fame. She was Grandpa's girl for sure. |
Hanging out with the brothers, sharing some Christmas cheer from our farm during the local Lighted Tractor parade. |
Hasekamp (and one Kable) kids taking selfies, before selfies were even the IN thing to do! Just how they roll! |
First year at the MO State Fair. She was the famous 'Bucket Baby' of the Angus Barn. She was possibly the most popular attraction of the barn that year. |
Before she was big enough to show cattle at the fairs, she helped our neighbors show their sheep. Here she is before the Pee Wee Leadline at MO State Fair.
Well there's 12 pictures of Jenna, all depicting an aspect of who she is and fairly aptly. Several are with an animal, many taken at fairs, most of the rest on our farm. She's got an appreciation for this way of life that really is unparalleled, particularly by others her age. I can see her being an industry leader, her passion is contagious.
Happiest of Birthdays, sweet daughter of mine.On this first day of November, like the other 364 days a year, I am thankful for you,
From Tulip~